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Virtual ISP / vISP Phonebook

Can my subscribers use any number in your phonebook at any time?

The short answer is "absolutely"!

In the case of other vISP Providers, it will depend upon how they purchase internet access from the network providers.

Many vISP Providers offering multiple networks require that the subscriber use only the network on which they initially logged in. The reason for this is because they buy access from the network provider on a "per user" basis. If the subscriber logs in to more than one network, the vISP Provider's monthly costs for that subscriber increases with each network accessed. In other words, by letting subscribers use multiple networks, they can pay for that subscriber several times in the same month.

Larger vISP Providers buy access "by the hour" and play the averages. However, by buying by the hour, it does not matter what network the subscriber uses. Alliance Solutions buys access from the network providers "by the hour." So whether they are at home or traveling an Alliance vISP Partner's subscriber can use any number in our phonebook. In addition, if they are using the PurSpeed web accelerator (which increases web surfing speeds by 300%-800%), they can use it with any number in our phonebook. It is like portable DSL.

Would you expect anything less from a high quality vISP Provider?



Alliance Solutions Inc. 238 Porterfield Gap Road, Minnesota. 55425 Tel. (952) 885-9400

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